Our Customer Testimonials

“I used Cleaning Bright when I was moving out of my flat in Harrogate, North Yorkshire and was impressed with the amount of work they got done in the time they were here and I got my bond back!”

Service: End of Tenancy Cleaning

Paul Clough, Harrogate | ★★★★★  5/5

“It’s great that I have found Cleaning Bright and their services, not once have I had any issues with staff or quality of work and it’s always nice to come back home after they have visited.”

Service: Regular Cleaning

Helen Lockyer, Harrogate | ★★★★★  5/5

“Thanks for coming an sorting my flat out! It was in such a state. Shame I am leaving Harrogate

Service: End of Tenancy Cleaning

Mikkal Barras, Harrogate | ★★★★★  5/5

“With a baby on the way Gill and team have been a massive help in preparing my home in time for the new arrival.”

Service: Regular Cleaning (with Deep Clean)

Jenny Hodgson, Knaresborough | ★★★★★  5/5

Call us on 01423 223117 to arrange a free Retail Cleaning Quote

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